

Communication Unlimited

Communication Unlimited

It’s amazing how much in -house communication is required to keep the church’s work moving forward. We make announcements from the pulpit, in the bulletin, and on the church’s Facebook page. We send e -mails. We telephone. And of course, we do a lot of face -to -face communication.

We need to know about opportunities to give and serve. We need to know about special events coming up so we can participate. We need to know who is sick, bereaved, etc. so we can pray for them.

Prayer itself is one of the highest forms of communication. We’re actually speaking to our Creator! If that weren’t amazing enough, it’s even more astounding to realize that He really does want to hear from us. He’s not bothered by the sincere, heart -felt requests of His children who are walking in the light. And so: “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17). “…men ought always to pray…” (Luke 18:1) “…let your requests be made known unto God” (Phil. 4:6).

The gospel is the supreme form of communication. It’s a life -and -death message! We who have been saved know that is true. Many don’t know it yet. That’s, of course, where we come in (Mark 16:15 -16). Evangelism is communicating the love and grace of God to those who desperately need to hear and respond to it.

In -house communication is vital for the church. Much more vital is church -to -world communication: the gospel.

World -to -church communication goes on all the time via TV, radio, Internet, etc. — and if we’re not careful we will be influenced by the messages bombarding us constantly. It must be the other way around!

─David Gibson