



A brother in Christ who taught 8th grade science told me that one day in class he happened to mention that it was his 32nd wedding anniversary. At first there was dead silence. Then they reacted, “Wouldn’t that be boring to be married to someone that long?”

I suppose if all I had ever seen were divorces and live-in arrangements, I too might be highly skeptical that two people, joined by God, can enjoy one another’s company for a lifetime. Isn’t it sad that these young people haven’t had better role models?

To these youth, the lifelong commitment of a husband and wife equals boredom. Every lasting, happy marriage, however, proves that it can be done! When both partners are submissive to the will of God, marital success is practically guaranteed.

When we follow God’s plan as revealed in His word, we learn to exercise patience, we forgive, and we discover constructive ways to resolve differences. We learn how to apply not only those passages that directly address marriage (such as Eph. 5:22-33), but also those that teach how to get along with others (such as Eph. 4:1-3, 25-27, 29, 31-32).

Of course, it will not all be smooth sailing, but at least the two will not abandon ship nor will they let an occasional squall prevent progress. In time they can know that we’ve-been-through-this-together perspective that only those who have been married for awhile can enjoy.

Boring? Hardly! Does monogamy mean monotony, as someone has asked? Not when we do it God’s way.

─David Gibson